Saturday, March 30, 2013

Post Workout Skin Care

Everyone follows a morning and before bed skin care routine, but do you have a after gym routine? Here are some ways you can take care of your skin post workout

Workout without make-up

Make sure you are not exercising with make-up on. Not only will you end up looking ridiculous but also it will keep your pores blocked while you are exercising. Thus, skip the make-up and arrive at the gym bare-faced. Be ready to get all sweaty from your workout and don't worry about how you look with all the perspiration on your face!

Don't use hot water

After a workout, your muscles are sore and you are already very exhausted. Even though washing your face or taking a shower with hot water might ease your muscles, but it will also strip your skin of vital oils, leaving you dry and itchy.

Re-hydrate your skin

The best time to re-hydrate your skin is when you are right out of the shower. Take a few minutes and apply a generous dollop of your moisturiser and body lotion. This will keep your skin supple and moist.

Be gentle

If you've been sweating for the past hour, you might be tempted to scrub yourself from tip to toe to feel clean, but it could only spell disaster for you! Use a gentle shampoo and cleanser which will ensure that you stay clean and your skin stays soft.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Benifits of Rose water

Generations of women have used rose water as part of their skin care regime. It isn't uncommon to hear grannies extolling its benefits and not without reason.

Rose water and rose oil are one of the oldest skin care and grooming products. It used to be added to baths as also to treat mild skin conditions. They are found in many cosmetic products these days.

Here are a few ways how rosewater works wonders for you:

1. Since rose oil has anti-inflammatory properties, using rose water can help in reducing the redness from irritated or over-heated skin.

2. It is a great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores. Thus preventing acne and pimples.

3. It has astringent like properties, which is why it is used after facials and clean ups to close open pores. Applying rose water after steaming tightens capillaries, reduces redness and blotchiness.

4. The aroma of roses is said to be a powerful mood enhancer. It rids you of feelings of anxiety and promotes emotional wellbeing, thereby making you look relaxed. Since it is de-stressing, it helps you sleep better which means you will wake up feeling fresh.

5. The best and easiest way to use it is to apply it at night. It helps clear all impurities that your face has collected through the day.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

FIG is GOOD for Skin

Why figs are good for you


Dried figs are easily available throughout the year, but eating it fresh and sweet is a different experience altogether.

Did you know that figs grow on the ficus carica tree, belonging to the mulberry family? Also, that dried figs are better concentrated sources of minerals and vitamins?

Read on to find out more about the health benefits of figs:
Figs are a great source of dietary fibre and make you feel satiated. So, it's a great option for those who want to lose weight. The fibre content is also excellent for the digestive system and helps relieve Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Being high in alkaline content, figs are great for curbing acid levels in the body.

Studies have shown that figs lower triglyceride levels. Also, their potassium content helps regulate blood pressure and hypertension.

Dried figs contain high levels of phenol antioxidants, which help fight against the damage caused by free radicals. Also, the calcium in figs strengthens bones.

If you're suffering from iron deficiency, figs are the way to go. They are excellent for building red blood cells, which help carry oxygen throughout the body.

The natural sugars in figs make them an ideal snack for diabetics. The magnesium content in the fruit is good for cardiovascular health. Cholesterol levels can be kept in control by pectin, a soluble fibre found in figs. Figs are great for skin, too. Mash two ripened figs and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. This helps to reduce acne. They also contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that help prevent coronary heart diseases.

Sex it up: Figs have traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac. To treat sexual weakness, soak a couple of figs in a cup of milk overnight and eat them in the morning.

Cure Large Facial Pores

                                             Have large facial pores?

Here's how you can maintain that kind of skin.

It is not possible to completely reduce the pore size on the face. However, what you can do is make them look smaller. This, in turn, will also make your skin look better. Even though age and genetics play quite a big role in determining the size of ones facial pores and the quality of the skin, you don't need to indulge in expensive spa treatments to improve the appearance of your skin. Also, large pores are prone to infections. So if you want a clearer skin, here's what you can do to avoid the situation:

Kick that cigarette butt. Yes, cigarette smoking can add to facial pores. It also makes the skin look dull and sallow. If you have particularly large pores, smoking can surely worsen the situation. It is advisable to give up smoking in such situations.

Exposure to direct sunlight is harmful. It breaks down the collagen and also affects the
elasticity of your skin. Over a period of time, the skin starts sagging. This makes the pores prominent and also makes them look larger. Hence, protect your skin by using a good sun block (use one with a higher SPF). Wearing sun block is as important as cleansing your skin.

Large open pores provide easy access to dust and grime. Thus, it is extremely important to clean your face. Do this at least twice a day with the use of a gentle cleanser. Also, exfoliate your skin with gentle products that contain sugar so you can easily get rid of dead skin and dirt.

Taking care of skin around your eyes

                                          Taking care of skin around your eyes

The skin around your eye is much different than the rest of your face. Thus it is extremely important to give special care and attention to this area. Here's how...

Getting acquainted
If you want to know how to take care for the skin around your eyes, you need to know about the skin texture very well. The skin around your eyes is supposed to be the thinnest, sensitive and also the driest area. It is also the first place where the signs of ageing begins to appear.

Just like the rest of your face, cleansing around your eyes is extremely important. Especially because it tends to dry up very easily. Removing excess make-up from around your eyes will also ensure that it remains clean. Put some cleanser on a cotton pad and lightly set it on your eyelid. Gently swipe it off.

Not only external care is required for your eyes, but internal as well. Make sure that you are taking vitamin A, B, C, D and E supplements so that not only the skin around your eyes, but also your eyes in general is taken care of.

Getting 7 hours of sleep is extremely important. Make sure that you do not compromise on this point. Sleep will ensure that you do not get dark circles and wrinkles around the area.

Treat Marks, Patches on your skin

A handy cause-and-remedy guide to marks and patches on your skin

On: Stomach and thighs

These are fat deposits that sit below the surface of the skin, giving it a dimpled appearance like the rough skin of an orange. Cellulite accumulates on the abdomen, lower limbs, and the pelvic region.
What causes it: "Unlike what most people believe, being overweight or thin has no bearing on the incidence of cellulite, although shedding some kilos can help reduce its incidence," says Thomas. The thickness and colour of your skin, hormonal changes, total body fat, rate of metabolism, crash dieting and lack of physical activity are major contributing factors.
How to beat it: Cellulite is difficult to beat with medication although sundry pills and creams are available in the market. "Creams that claim to dissolve fat, often contain a compound called amino phylline which narrows the blood vessels by forcing water out of the skin. This is dangerous since it can cause blood circulation problems and allergies," says Thomas. Keeping your skin hydrated and indulging in exercise can work towards reducing its appearance.

Dark and light patches
On: Hands, feet, face

Prolonged exposure to the sun and bad hygiene play a part in discolouration on your face, hands and feet.
What causes it: Rubbing your skin with pumice stones and rough sponges can end up causing skin discolouration. "Friction causes the skin cells in the epidermis layer to die," says dermatologist Dr Manohar Sobhani, adding, "This leads to the deposit of amyloid, a type of protein, forming dark spots or patches. Regular back and forth wiping of the back with a towel, and the use of artificial scrubbers on your arms, elbows and knees can leave you with dark patches." Poor hygiene can lead to fungal growth on your skin, causing de-pigmentation also known as tinea versicolor. These light patches resemble spots seen in vitiligo disease. Sweating in tropical weather conditions, skipping a bath, and not drying yourself after a shower can be contributors.
How to beat it: Be gentle with your skin. Use natural loofas and sponges made of plant extracts. Human skin has a Ph level of 5.5. Use soaps and cleansers that match this level, to avoid irritation. Always take a shower after exercising. Check with your dermatologist and rule out skin allergies to perfumes and deodorants.

Spider veins
On: Ankle

The red, blue or purple patterns that resemble a spider's web are most commonly found around the ankle.
What causes it: Dr Mohan Thomas, senior consultant, cosmetic surgery at Breach Candy Hospital, says factors such as abnormal » blood flow and weak vein walls cause spider veins. "It can be occupational hazard for people who are constantly on their feet. On the other hand, sedentary jobs lead to a lack of movement that can cause the blood to remain stagnant in veins, leading to an increase in venous pressure, causing the capillaries to stretch and dilate. That's what gives the skin a characteristic purple colour," he says. Wearing tight clothing and under garments can add to the problem.
How to beat it:Wearing support calf stockings, keeping the legs elevated when resting, and doing calf muscle exercises can help channel the blood flow from the veins to the heart. Consult your dermatologist if you wish to undergo sclerotherapy.

Here, saline is injected into the vein forming an internal scar tissue, and fading the mark over time.

Stretch marks
On: Belly, thighs

When stretched, your skin thins out just like a plastic bag, leaving permanent marks. Stretch marks are common among pregnant woman, teenagers who put on and lose weight radically around their abdomen, butt, thighs and shoulders, and adults who work out.
What causes it: The marks appear on your body when collagen, a fibrous protein that makes up to 75 per cent of your skin, is affected. "Babies don't develop stretch marks even though their bodies are growing because their skin is well nourished," says Sobhani. "The problem arises when the natural order of collagen fibres is disrupted due to an unhealthy lifestyle, bad eating habits and aging." Exposure to ultra violet radiation and free radicals from smoking add to collagen woes.
How to beat it: Despite your age, stretch marks can be made less prominent by stimulating the redistribution of existing collagen and promoting new collagen synthesis in the skin. Eat foods that are high on vitamin C and E, both of which are known to assist manufacture of the protein. Keep your skin well hydrated since dry skin is more susceptible to developing marks. Nourish it every day with a moisturiser.

How to get radiant Skin

Healthy skin radiates with happiness. Clean and glowing skin attracts eyeballs and hides your age.

Dr. Chetna Ramchandani, Dermatologist with Evolve Medspa gives you some handy tips for healthy skin. Find out the differences in skin cleansing methods that will work for your skin.

How to scrub
Scrubbing can be done as a weekly ritual. The agent needs to be applied to the skin and massaged gently for 5 minutes followed by washing the face. It can be combined with steaming the face to remove blackheads. This needs to be followed by toning to close the pores and finally moisturizing should be the final step.

What are the side effects of scrubbing?
Scrubbing can cause increased skin dryness if overused. It can cause redness of skin and irritation. Sensitive skin can break out into a rash.

How to use face masks
The mask should be spread evenly over the skin surface avoiding the eyebrows and the hairline and left to dry. Some masks are to be removed after 15 minutes while others are designed for overnight use. Carefully follow the manufacturer's guidelines.

What are the side effects of face masks?
These masks can cause burning sensations if over-used and hence a patch test over the neck or the forearm before applying on the face is recommended.

Home remedies to exfoliate your skin:

- Tomatoes-for oily skin
- Almonds-almonds soaked in milk and ground to a paste serve as a good exfoliator and lightening agent.
- Oats-ground oats in milk serve as a good exfoliator for people with open pores.
- Sugar and lemon-sugar helps for scrubbing and lime helps in lightening the skin.
- Besan(Gram flour)-This is a common kitchen ingredient and helps for exfoliation. It works better when mixed with turmeric which is a lightening agent
- Sea salt-sea salt when mixed with 1 spoon of yogurt can be a good scrubber for dry skin.

How to Deal with Dark Circles

Most of the times, the reason we get dark circles is due of lack of sleep — that is if you haven't slept for your regular 7-8 hours at night.

You skin under the eyes will not only get discoloured and dull, but will also look tired. So to prevent dark circles, your beauty sleep is essential.

Wear a sunscreen daily. Also, whenever you are stepping outside your house in the day, don't forget to use your sunglasses and if possible, wear a hat. This way the sun's harsh rays won't pigment the skin under your eyes.

If you are addicted to too much coffee or alcohol, it's time you cut down on these two. These contain stimulants, which can cause dark circles!

Most people think vitamins are only for children and adults. But sometimes, if you have a certain vitamin deficiency, its effects can show on your skin too. If your daily diet is devoid of certain vitamins, then start incorporating more healthy food in your meals or pop a multivitamin supplement.

In some cases, under eye circles are genetic or due to some allergy. You should get tested for this and find out the remedies from your general physician.

Getting Rid of Acne Scars

This is how...

-A simple and economical method that you can try at home, use lemon juice to prevent acne scars. Squeeze some lemon juice in a ball, add some water and mix thoroughly. Take a cotton ball and apply this mixture on your acne and repeat this daily.

-Apart from being used in food, olive oil is great for your skin. Take a few drops of olive oil and gently run and massage it in your skin. Do this daily. This will not only help repair damaged skin but also prevent any further scarring due to acne.

-Another easy way to prevent acne scars is by not staying under the sun for too long. The sun can cause pigmentation of the skin, which make the acne marks more visible. So always remember to use a sunscreen lotion before you step out of the house.

-You can also fade acne scars by applying some apple cider vinegar on them, as it contains antiseptic and antibiotic properties. Apply it directly on the scarred skin. Since it is strong on the skin, if you have sensitive skin, don't forget to dilute it with some water before you apply it.

                        Getting rid of acne scars

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Foods that Detox Your Body

Try Out All Of These

Here is a list of foods that help you detox...

Foods that Detox Your Body
Since garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties, they are one of the great natural foods that help in detoxing the body. When you eat garlic, it stimulates the liver to give out detoxifying enzymes that clear your digestive system.

Green tea
Green tea contains antioxidants, which again help in clearing out toxins from your body. What's more, this tea also boosts immunity and stamina.

Ginger helps your liver to get rid of free radicals. It is also an anti-inflammatory food. You can either use it in your food, or grate it and mix it in your drink, to absorb all its goodness.

Cabbage, which contains loads of nutrients and fibre is also a natural diuretic and will get rid of all the excess fluids from your body. Have it in your salads, sandwiches or in soups!

Water, the universal solvent, helps to keep your body hydrated and flushes out all its toxins. It purifies your kidneys, liver and cleans your system. Try drinking warm water with lemon every morning, as this will boost your immune system.

Fresh fruits
Fresh fruits are a great source of nutrients and antioxidants that clear out the system. Opt for citrus fruits like oranges as they are useful in cleansing the liver.